Sunday, September 27, 2009

Watch out--> it's raining!

The rain has a strange effect on me. People who know me well are aware of this... it's weird, but it acts kinda like a drug, it makes me want to do crazy things, and it takes away my inhibition, which results in having the courage to do the crazy things I feel like doing.

Today it's raining... a lot actually. I feel like doing something crazy. I feel that impulse welling up inside of me, and I just want to take off running and GO! DO! FEEL!


I'm fresh out of ideas... so I think I'll just sit here and have another cup of coffee...

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Nomadic life...

I've been "living" in Buenos Aires for about 9 months now... but in those 9 months, I've left to go on trips 3 times, and a few other weekend escapades, so I haven't spent more than 6 months actually in BA.

When I was in France, I used to complain that I didn't have many friends who were crazy travelers like me, and I ended up not going on too many trips as a result (don't get me wrong, I still managed to go to Thailand, India, Nepal and a lot of European countries... I was just traveling alone!). Now it seems all I have are traveler friends, and each time someone says they're going to such-and-such place, if I can, I end up joining them.

But the question of this blog is this: will it ever stop? 

Historically, humans have began as nomads, until they figured out they could transform their environment and have a more settled and secure life. I feel like I'm "stuck" in that nomadic lifestyle, and even though the thought of settling down somewhere appeals to me sometimes (mainly when I get tired of carrying a backpack around), if I really think about settling down, it freaks me out and I immediately see red flashing lights that say NOOOOOO!!!!!

I love traveling, and I love my nomadic life (which is the reason I haven't stopped yet!). But sometimes I wonder if I'm not missing out in some aspects of life, things that you can only do when you have a permanent base, somewhere to call "home."

I hope someday I have logical and simple answer to the question "Where are you from?"

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Uncanny Resemblance....

Just heard this song and it sounded SO familiar, it's hard to believe I didn't write it myself.

It's good to know that other people in the world live out of a backpack... but the last part also resonates with me, and maybe it's time to start thinking about that.

(Except every time I think about that, I also think "noooo!! not YET!")

Listen to the song... it's a good one!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Random one-liners...

Some people have a gift. The gift of saying the right thing with very few words. And no, I'm not talking about pick-up lines or cat-calls on the street (although living in Buenos Aires, I could write an encyclopedia full of them...).

No, I'm talking about random, unexpected emails, that are composed of just a few words... but raise your spirits and put a smile on your face and this incredible desire of jumping into the computer screen just to come out on the other side and give a big great bear hug to the person who just sent you that email.

Unfortunately technology isn't that advanced yet...

So for those of you who are skilled in sending those emails, and who have put a smile upon my face countless times---> Consider yourself hugged. :)

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