Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Ok, so this is not a transcending blog post, nor something very interesting, funny or worthy of your time. Sorry. It's just that I'm tired. Traveling for this long takes a lot out of you, especially when the airline loses your bag, the hotel and other things annoy you, and all you want to do is sleep for a week. I'm at 3 months of traveling today, and I've been to 9 different countries in 2 continents.

I was thinking yesterday that I am in Greece after all, and I could find one of the millions of amazing beaches and just sleep.... that's when I realized I don't even have a bikini... :(

I apologize if this is a pointless blog, but it's a sad day when I need a vacation from my vacation...


  1. when you need to vent to the world you can vent to the world via blog - that's what blogs are for... they're sometimes funny and sometimes sad... we are humans after all!

    So because of that... I salute you. Good Blog. :)

  2. I know exactly how that feels.
    I hit the wall of travelling a few months ago, but I found the best thing to do is stop - preferably in a place where you are surrounded by good friends - and just chill: read a book, sit in park, etc. You will know your batteries are recharged when you want to move on.
